Golfing with Daegen: A Day of Joy, Lessons, and Financial Wisdom

There’s nothing quite like the bond between a father and son, especially when shared over a round of golf. Recently, my son Daegen, my Dad, a buddy of mine, and I spent a beautiful day on the golf course together. Sometimes, this “mean old Dad” insists that Daegen hangs out with me, hoping that when he’s 50 years old, he’ll look back and realize how special these moments are. My hope is that he will cherish these times and pass on the tradition of spending quality time with loved ones to his own kids.

That particular day was picture-perfect. The sun was shining brilliantly, the sky was a stunning blue adorned with puffy white clouds, making it an ideal day for golf. However, like any teenager, Daegen was a bit grumpy. If you’ve raised kids, you know how teenage emotions can be prone to fluctuations.  A funny quote I heard one time, “Teenagers possess a unique ability to transform from sunshine to storm clouds faster than a weather app can update.”  But there’s one surefire way to turn a teenager’s mood around: food, especially the kind filled with sugar. So, I struck a deal with Daegen. I told him, “If you say, ‘I’m excited to be here!’ three times throughout our golf game, I’ll treat you to that amazing chocolate-filled ice cream dessert you’ve been eyeing.” The promise of a delicious reward on a warm summer day was too tempting to resist.

After the first hole, Daegen made a fantastic putt for par. As we got back into the golf cart, I coached him a little, suggesting that would have been the perfect opportunity to say, “Excited to be here.” With a look of astonishment, he agreed, “You are right, that would have been a perfect time.” On the very next hole, Daegen faced a tricky putt. The ball snaked over two ridges with a significant side hill to the right, but he made the putt for par. I was so happy for him. “Fantastic putt, son!” I exclaimed. He looked up at me with a grin and said, “I am just excited to be here.” We both burst out laughing. Our playing partners probably thought we were a bit silly.

As we continued playing, Daegen’s attitude began to change. He crushed a drive way down the fairway on the next hole, smiled, and said again, “Excited to be here.” From that moment on, his mood lifted, his game improved, and our day was filled with laughter and joy.

This fantastic memory of golfing with Daegen is akin to our financial lives. First and foremost, staying positive is crucial. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Similarly, Dr. Seuss reminded us, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”

Consider Andrew Carnegie. In 1901, Carnegie sold his steel company to J.P. Morgan for $480 million, making him one of the richest people in the world. He attributed much of his success to a shift in his mindset:

“As I began to appreciate the power of the mind, I realized that acquiring wealth was not merely about hard work and determination, but about envisioning success and adopting the right mental attitude. This change in my perspective opened the door to untold opportunities and allowed me to create substantial wealth.” Another takeaway from our golf day is the importance of coaching. Daegen listened and followed through on the advice I gave him, even if he was motivated by the promise of a tasty treat. In financial matters, finding a great advisor can make a significant difference. I’ve attached a list of “Important Characteristics of a Great Financial Advisor” to help guide you.

My goal for you is to learn to use money as a tool to enhance your life. I want you to have an incredible life, filled with amazing experiences and surrounded by wonderful people you love. Embrace positivity, seek guidance, and cherish the moments that matter. Attached is a fun educational video to help you on your financial journey. Enjoy the process, just like Daegen learned to enjoy our golfing day, and watch your financial success grow.

Action Steps

Adopt a Positive Mindset

Start each day with affirmations and a focus on success.

Watch Educational Video (below) 
Seek Guidance

Find a trustworthy financial advisor or an proven educational group to help you plan and achieve your financial goals.

Cherish Moments

Spend quality time with loved ones, making memories and learning from each other.

Happiness Benefits:

By applying these lessons, readers can expect increased financial success through a positive outlook and expert guidance, leading to greater joy, peace, and fulfillment in their financial and personal lives. Embracing these practices fosters stronger relationships and a more enjoyable journey towards financial stability.


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