Financial Happiness

Gain Financial Security.  Experience Financial Peace.  Enjoy Financial Happiness. 

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by Dr. Nicholas E. Michels

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Simple Secrets to Financial Happiness Delivered Weekly!

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Your Guide

The Simple Secrets to Financial Happiness
for your current life stage

Smart Money

Happy Kids


Cultivating Financial Happiness Together

Dear Readers,

I hope this message finds you well and thriving in all areas of your life.  Today, I want to share a concept with you that has brought immense joy and fulfillment to my own life and many others as well: 

“Financial Happiness!”

In a world often filled with financial stress and uncertainty, the idea of Financial Happiness goes beyond mere monetary success.  It’s about cultivating a positive and mindful relationship with our finances, steering our financial journey with intention and joy.

Financial Happiness starts with understanding what true wealth really is… to you.  Because it is not money that you want, it is what money can do for you.  True wealth encompasses peace, freedom, joy, memorable experiences, loving relationships, exciting adventure, fulfillment, and living the life you most desire.  At its very core, this is Financial Happiness.  

By viewing money as a tool for creating a fulfilling life rather than a source of stress, we open ourselves up to a wonderful world of possibilities.  This involves setting goals that align with your values, being kind to yourself during financial challenges, and celebrating with loved ones every small victory along the way.  

We are excited to embark on this journey with you.  Financial Happiness is not a distant dream; it’s a living, breathing reality we can all embrace together.  Our goal is to encourage, equip, and empower you with the proper tools, insights, and know how to take charge of your life where your finances contribute to your happiness rather than distract you from it.  

Along this journey we will be sharing practical money management strategies, savvy investment education, and real-life success stories.  These simple secrets will help you take control of your financial destiny. 

Together, let’s dive into the vibrant tapestry of life and money, exploring how they dance together to create a symphony of abundance.  Here’s to a future filled with prosperity, joy, and the wisdom to make every financial choice a step towards your life of Financial Happiness. 

With Warming Love and God’s Blessings,
Dr. Nicholas E. Michels 

Recent Trainings

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Dr. Nicholas E. Michels Completes Yale and Signs First Book Deal!

We wanted to share this exciting news with you. Through our educational journey and the privilege of working with you, we are grateful to have learned proven processes and strategies, which we call the secrets to financial happiness. Now  we are going to share them with others in my book. We have simplified it into easy, actionable insights to help improve  lives through better financial understanding and empowerment. Because the ultimate goal for all of us is to learn how to use money as a tool to better our lives and all those that we care about. Again, thank you for your trust, support, and friendship. Without you, none of this would be possible. We are forever  grateful for you, and we are looking forward to sharing this with you in the near future. -- All information herein has been prepared solely for information purposes, and it is not an offer to buy ...
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