Dr. Nicholas E. Michels

Dr. Nicholas E. Michels Completes Yale and Signs First Book Deal!

We wanted to share this exciting news with you. Through our educational journey and the privilege of working with you, we are grateful to have learned proven processes and strategies, which we call the secrets to financial happiness. Now  we are going to share them with others in my book. We have simplified it into easy, actionable insights to help improve  lives through better financial understanding and empowerment. Because the ultimate goal for all of us is to learn how to use money as a tool to better our lives and all those that we care about. Again, thank you for your trust, support, and friendship. Without you, none of this would be possible. We are forever  grateful for you, and we are looking forward to sharing this with you in the near future.

Dr. Nicholas E. Michels Completes Yale and Signs First Book Deal! Read More »

Everyone is Welcome

Everyone is Welcome! If someone passed this blog to you, that means they care about you.  Do you want a better financial future and life?  Click the link below to sign-up for this free money education blog.  More Information Sign Up for Nick’s Newsletter Nick’s Goal for Financial Happiness  Nick’s Definition of Financial Happiness  Nick’s

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Asset or Liability

Understand the difference between an asset and a liability The fundamental concept that can pave your way to financial success: understanding the crucial difference between assets and liabilities. Assets, such as real estate, businesses, and investments, have the power to put money in your pocket and appreciate in value over time, while liabilities, like boats

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The Greatest Investment in the World

An index fund is… In this powerful video, we reveal the life-changing impact of self-investment. Discover how mastering new skills, kick-starting a business, and fostering personal growth can transform your world. Your future self will thank you. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your greatest asset—YOU. Watch now and start your journey to a

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What is an index fund?

An index fund is… An index fund is a type of mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) designed to follow the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500 or the NASDAQ. These funds aim to replicate the movements of the index they track, offering broad market exposure, low operating expenses, and

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One important thing

We get taught a lot of things, but how much are we taught about money? Compound interest is a powerful concept in personal finance, particularly when applied to saving a portion of your income, like 10%. The importance of compound interest lies in its ability to exponentially increase savings over time. When you save 10%

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