
Strengthening Our Marriage Through Intentional Conversations

Life is full of changes, and welcoming our fourth baby into the world has been one of the most profound and joyous changes we’ve experienced. Yet, as with any significant shift, it can feel like the earth beneath our feet is shaking, making life challenging and uncertain.

Amidst all this change, Chelsea and I felt a deep need to take time for ourselves and our marriage. We began a program at our church called “Re- Engage,” and it has been wonderful.

The program dives into several concepts essential for marital growth, and one of the most rewarding parts has been the intimate and loving conversations we have together. Through “Re-Engage,” we’ve once again reassessed and shared our dreams, goals, and life desires together. We’ve also had candid discussions about areas where I’ve made mistakes and how I can improve in the future. These conversations have not only brought us closer but also reminded us that great and happy marriages don’t happen automatically—they require effort and intentionality.

This principle applies not only to our relationships but also to our financial lives. Just as a strong marriage is built on continuous communication and effort, a stable and prosperous financial life requires intentional conversations and planning. When was the last time you and your loved ones sat down and had intentional conversations about your finances and future goals? Are you both happy? How are things going? What will make you happy now, three years from now, five years, ten years, or thirty years down the road?
Do you know your own goals? How well do you know your loved one’s desires? With all my heart, I can’t tell you how great I feel after having these conversations with Chelsea. The progress we make after these intentional and positive discussions is always exceptional, sometimes beyond belief.
Life, much like a garden, blossoms and flourishes not by mere chance but through dedicated care and effort. Just as a gardener must embrace the seasons, learning when to sow and when to reap, we too must understand the rhythms of our lives, recognizing opportunities for growth and learning from ever experience. This realization is enlightening, for it empowers us to take control of our destinies, knowing that the quality of our lives is ultimately determined by the depth of our commitment to nurturing it.

The same applies to financial education. The more we work at it, the better our lives become. We can turn worry into confidence and burdens into freedom. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge you need to live your amazing life of “Financial Happiness.”

Take a moment today to sit down with your loved ones and have those intentional conversations. The rewards are immeasurable.

Take Aways

Simple Summary

Chelsea and I started the “Re-Engage” program at our church to strengthen our marriage amidst the changes of welcoming our fourth baby. The program’s intimate conversations have brought us closer and highlighted the importance of continuous effort in both our relationship and financial lives.

Action Steps

  1. Schedule regular, intentional conversations with your loved ones about your finances and future goals.
  2. Identify areas for improvement in your financial habits and create a plan to address them.
  3. Focus on what you can control and develop a consistent approach to managing your finances.

Happiness Benefits

By applying the lessons from “Re-Engage,” you can expect stronger relationships and improved financial stability. These intentional conversations can lead to greater confidence, reduced stress, and a more fulfilling life, both personally and financially.


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